Welcome to the Online Egyptological Bibliography (OEB).
The Online Egyptological Bibliography (OEB) holds the largest available collection of references in Egyptological literature and is updated nearly every day. It includes the records and abstracts from Annual Egyptological Bibliography (AEB, 1947-2001), combined with Bibliographie Altägypten (BA, 1822-1946), the Aigyptos database with keywords, and more than 70,000 further items. Coverage is from 1822 to the present. OEB is a collaboration of the University of Oxford and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich. Enhancements are announced as they are introduced. For search tips see the User information tab. For What’s new see below.
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What's new
December 2024: Since OEB went live in January 2009, the proportion of material for which it has records that is available online has increased greatly. By late 2024, that proportion is over a quarter of the overall total. The 19th and 21st centuries are well served, the 20th century a little less so, mainly for reasons of copyright. The position changes all the time, including the proportion that is not published in paper form. Until about 2015, OEB was not able to add online links systematically to inherited records. Therefore, many major journals and monographs are available online, but their OEB records do not yet include links; users are advised to check whether they can reach digitized versions of them. The majority of records that are currently added include a link to an online version. OEB prioritises stable links and DOIs, but sometimes includes non-permanent URLs that may change or cease to function. Resources do not allow for continual re-checking and updating of links.
OEB currently has records for about 45,000 authors. The online display gives author names in the form in which a publication presents them. The underlying database has records for variants of author names, usually grouped under the fullest name form that has been identified (some authors have used numerous name forms). So far as possible, authors with similar names are distinguished. If you are not sure about an author's full name, enter it in the Author box of the Structured search. This will return the fullest form known to editors.
OEB now has more than 182,400 records online, 5,100 more than reported in March 2024. Review and conversion of inherited records has progressed significantly, leaving only 2,950 (1.6%) to be processed.